Wells Mountain Foundation (WMF), melalui program Pemberdayaan Melalui Pendidikan (ETE), menawarkan biasiswa sarjana muda (degree) kepada warganegara daripada negara membangun yang akan atau bakal melanjutkan pengajian di…
Scholarship Info This program enables students from six countries (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Russia) wishing to enroll in a master’s course (at specified graduate schools in the sciences…
Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa Jabatan ini bersama dengan Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) sedang dalam proses menandatangani memorandum persefahaman atas permintaan CSC bagi penajaan tahun 2020 dan seterusnya. Memor…
Scholarship details Overview University of Nottingham is offering students graduating from their last years of secondary education a scholarship for individuals applying for a foundation or undergraduate degree program a…
Scholarship details The Malaysia Global Leaders Scholarship, provided by University of Queensland, is an exciting opportunity for high achieving students from Malaysia to further their studies in UQ’s Faculty of Business…