Updated!! Biasiswa Khazanah Untuk Lepasan SPM/STPM | The Khazanah Watan Scholarship is a prestigious award that offers opportunities for talented and high-achieving Malaysians to pursue Undergraduate and Postgraduate stu…
The Khazanah Global Scholarship is a prestigious award that offers opportunities for bright and high-achieving Malaysians to pursue A-Level studies at Kolej Yayasan UEM (as a preparation to further undergraduate studies&…
Permohonan GrEP 2024 telah dibuka mulai 6 Mei 2024 sehingga 24 Mei 2024. GRADUATE EXCELLENCE PROGRAMME (GrEP) MARA 2024 MARA menawarkan Graduate Excellence Programme (GrEP) iaitu program penajaan pelajaran berbentuk Pinj…
MyBrainSc Scholarship 2024 A. PENGENALAN PROGRAM Biasiswa MyBrainSc terbuka kepada seluruh warganegara Malaysia yang sedang atau akan mengikuti pengajian di peringkat Ijazah Pertama dan Pasca Ijazah secara sepenuh masa d…
PPBU is offered to tertiary level education from Skills Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree, Professional, Master’s Degree, and Doctorate and PHD to deserving Malaysians. Its aim is to aid the social and economic dev…